Wajid Sheikh Quotes
Wajid Sheikh is known for his wise and inspirational quotes. Wajid Sheikh quotes offer guidance that can help us in our daily lives. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of his best quotes, explained in simple and easy-to-understand words. Wajid Sheikh quotes provide meaningful guidance that resonates with anyone looking to improve their life and find a sense of calm amidst the chaos.
Have a look on these motivational quotes : https://theworlddiary.com/top-10-motivational-quotes/
Wajid Sheikh quotes offer a rich source of inspiration and wisdom,that can help to improve our lives. His quotes focus on important things like finding inner peace, staying positive, and working hard towards our goals.Wajid Sheikh quotes remind us to learn from our mistakes, and keep a calm and happy mind.
Wajid Sheikh quotes are important because they provide simple and clear advice that can help us improve our lives. His words encourage us to stay positive, keep trying even when things are tough, and learn from our mistakes. They remind us to value our time, seek peace within ourselves, and stay humble no matter how successful we become. Wajid Sheikh quotes quotes are not just for inspiration but also for guiding us in making better decisions and living a more meaningful life. By following his advice, we can find happiness, success, and inner peace.
Wajid Sheikh Quotes are given below

ہم حالات کے آگے ڈھل گئے، وہ کہتے ہیں ہم بدل گئے
English translation
We adapted to the situation, but they say we changed

پھر ہر چیز سے دل اُٹھ گیا، پھر وہی اُلجھنے ہماری ہیں
English translation
Then I lost interest in everything, and now the same problems are ours

خاموشی سے مطلب نہیں، مطلب باتوں سے ہے، دن تو گزر ہی جائیں گے مسئلہ راتوں سے ہے
English translation
It’s not about silence; it’s about talking. The days will pass, but the issue is with the nights

ہمت کر، صبر کر، بکھر کر بھی سنوار جائے گا، یقین کر، شکر کر، وقت ہے یہ گزر جائے گا
English translation
Be brave and patient. Even if things fall apart, they will get better. Believe it and be thankful; this time will pass

پھولوں کی طرح پھر کھلیں گے ہم، شاید کبھی پھر ملیں گے ہم
English translation
We will bloom again like flowers, and maybe we will meet again someday

جو دیکھی اُس نے غربت میری، اُس کے سارے محبت کے ارمان ٹھنڈے ہو گئے
English translation
Seeing my poverty, all his love hopes turned cold

رقیب کو تیری اُلفت سے کیا واسطہ، اُسے چسکا تیرے بدن، تیری بانہوں سے ہے
English translation
The rival doesn’t care about your love; he’s addicted to your body and your embrace

لفظ کریں گے اشارہ جانے کا، تم آنکھیں دیکھ کر ٹھہر جانا
English translation
We will hint at leaving through words; just stop when you see the eyes

جسے میں نے اپنے سر کا تاج رکھا، اُس نے پھر مجھے ہی اپنا محتاج رکھا
English translation
The one I valued most ended up making me dependent on him

مجھے تیری کمی کا احساس ہر جگہ رہا ہے، پر اب تجھ سے ہم کہتے نہیں
English translation
I feel your absence everywhere, but now I don’t speak to you
Click here for more Quotes and Poetry
In this blog post, we explore the inspiring and wise Wajid Sheikh quotes . His quotes are simple yet powerful, offering guidance on how to live a better and happier life. From staying positive and learning from mistakes to valuing time and finding inner peace, these quotes provide valuable lessons that anyone can understand and apply. Whether you need motivation or just a bit of wisdom, Wajid Sheikh’s quotes are sure to inspire you. Wajid Sheikh quotes are easy to understand and apply, making them a great source of inspiration. Whether you need a boost of motivation or a moment of reflection, his quotes can offer helpful guidance and encourage you to live a better and more fulfilling life.
Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ’S )
1. What is Wajid Sheikh’s Shayari in Urdu about Sukoon?
- Wajid Sheikh’s Shayari in Urdu often revolves around the theme of “Sukoon” (peace). His verses express deep emotions and the quest for inner peace, capturing the essence of tranquility and calmness in life.
2. Where can I find Wajid Sheikh’s book “Sukoon” in PDF format?
- Wajid Sheikh’s book “Sukoon” can sometimes be found online in PDF format on various literary websites and forums. However, it’s recommended to purchase or access it through official platforms to ensure you get the authentic version.
3. What are Sukoon Quotes in Urdu by Wajid Sheikh?
- Wajid Sheikh’s Sukoon Quotes in Urdu are simple yet profound sayings that emphasize the importance of peace, calm, and contentment in life. These quotes inspire readers to seek inner peace and live a balanced life.
4. Can you share Sukoon Quotes by Wajid Sheikh in English?
- Wajid Sheikh’s Sukoon Quotes in English highlight the value of peace and serenity in everyday life. They are beautifully crafted to resonate with readers who seek calm and mindfulness.
5. What is the meaning of “Sabse Mila Na Karo Itni Sadgi Ke Saath”?
- “Sabse Mila Na Karo Itni Sadgi Ke Saath” translates to “Don’t meet everyone with so much simplicity.” This quote advises caution in being too simple or straightforward with everyone, suggesting that sometimes, people may take advantage of your simplicity.
6. What are the lyrics of “Sabse Na Mila Karo Itni Sadgi Ke Saath”?
- The lyrics of “Sabse Na Mila Karo Itni Sadgi Ke Saath” are part of Wajid Sheikh’s poetic expression, often found in his Shayari. These words reflect the idea of being mindful of how you interact with others, suggesting a balance between simplicity and caution.